Tuesday, 23 December 2014


  • Definition: Ethics is the set of moral values or principles that govern the conduct of an individual or group
  • Is ethics relevant for Information Technology?
  • Let’s revisit the discussion question from slide 1-7
  • How important is ethics if all your personal information, health information, AND virtual money is stored on computers? 
  • Would YOU trust a physician who downloaded his/her  term papers from the Internet?

Convergence, Portability, & Personalization

When computers and communications combine we get:
  • Convergence: the combination of
    • Computers with various devices
    • TVs with internet access, cell phones with digital cameras
  • Portability
  • Personalization
  • Collaboration: software that allows
    • People to share anything instantly
    • People to enhance the information as they forward it

Future of Information Technology

Building Your Own PC


I. System Software (Operating System)
  • helps the computer perform essential operating tasks and enables the application software to run Must be installed before application software 
  • Operating System (OS) options for the PC 
    • Linux,Windows,Unix 
  • Operating System (OS) options for the Mac 
    • Mac OS 
II. Application Software
  • enables you to perform specific tasks—solve problems, perform work Install after the OS 
  • Application depends on OS, for example 
    • Linux applications won’t work on Windows 
    • Windows applications won’t work on Linux


  • The word server describes how the computer is used, not the type or size of computer 
  • Are central computers 
  • May be any of the 4 larger computer types. 
  • “Server” describes a function 
    •  Hold data (databases) and programs 
    • Connect to and supply services for clients
    •  Clients are other computers like PCs, workstations, other devices